Real Estate Agents/Title Co.

Welcome Realtors

Welcome to our neighborhood. Please read the following information carefully and abide by the guidelines so that you may provide the best possible service to our residents.

A wealth of information about Raintree Woods is provided on the HOA website, below (i.e., By-laws, Articles of Incorporation, Covenants & Deed Restrictions, current Board members, etc.).

Raintree Woods HOA collects an $110 monthly assessment that pays for the following expenses: 24/7 staffed guardhouse, utilities, liability & D/O insurance, management services, and maintenance/repairs of the common areas, guardhouse, entry/exit gates, neighborhood perimeter fencing and five miles of roads within Raintree Woods.

The monthly assessment information must be on EVERY MLS listing in addition to Fair Oaks Ranch HOA information.

Please send an email to [email protected] – Attn: RTWHOA Management Team to request a Resale Certificate prior to closing.  Please provide sellers’ names and property address. Raintree Woods HOA collects a $100 transfer fee and $1,000 capital improvement fee on all property sales at the time of closing.

1. Realtors will use the visitor’s lane to enter and give the guard the address of the property they are showing. Gate tags will not be issued to realtors.
2. Realtors will show property in Raintree Woods with the approval of the resident, owner or listing agent. Realtors arriving at the gate to visit a resident without resident or owner approval will not be permitted to enter.
3. Realtors wishing to drive through Raintree Woods without showing a specific property will be provided a “Visitor Pass” upon presenting their realtor business card and driver’s license to the guard. Realtors so admitted shall not visit any residence without an appointment set by the resident.
4. REALTOR PREVIEWS – Owners or residents may have realtor previews of newly listed properties. The homeowner is responsible for providing the guard with prior written notice which states the address of the home to be previewed and the date and time of the preview. Realtors arriving at the gate to preview a property will be admitted only after showing the guard their realtor business card and driver’s license.
5. OPEN HOUSES – Realtors may hold open houses within Raintree Woods with three (3) days prior written request to the guards. The notice shall include the address of the property, the name and phone number(s) of the responsible realtor, and the date and time of the open house. Guards will give each guest printed directions to the open house (to be provided by resident or realtor). All guests admitted to the open house shall be the responsibility of both the realtor and owner/resident. Realtors are responsible for knowing the information contained herein and providing this information to their employees, agents and clients. Any realtor found to be violating the above rules will be denied future access to Raintree Woods.

Specific Unit Restrictions